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Section 7. Identifying Action Steps in Bringing About Community and System Change

Tool 1: Action Steps for Identified Changes

Use this form to identify the changes you want to accomplish and which steps you might take to accomplish it.

Community Focus Area: _________________

Community Change to be Sought: ________________________________________________________

Collaborating Organization(s)/Group(s):_______________________ Community Sector: _____________________

Action Steps

Action Steps By Whom By When Resources and Support
Available / Needed
Potential Barriers or Resistance Communication Plan for Implementation
What needs to be done? Who will take actions? By what date will the action be done? What financial, human, political, and other resources are needed? Which are already available? What individuals and organizations might resist?
What individuals and organizations should be informed about these actions?




Tool 2: Action Planning Guides from the KU Center for Community Health and Development

Community and Public Health Action Planning Guides

Child and Youth Health and Development Action Planning Guides

Community Development and Capacity Building Action Planning Guides

Jenette Nagy